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Writer's pictureCuiwen Zhou

Week 4 Extra Credit: My Classmates' Thoughts and Reflections

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

  • In Gloria’s week 3 reflection post on “habits of mind,” she discussed how the assignments had helped her develop each category. Specifically, I found that the readings on McGill helped her the most. Responsibility was the only category that she hasn’t improved yet.

  • I commented that I had the same experience as her for the “curiosity” category of “Habits of Mind.”

  • In Yian’s week 2 reflection blog, he wrote about how Jean Kilbourne’s lecture, Killing Us Softly 4, and the 2 assignments on Mc-Gill Connect (Integrate Sources into Writing and the Close Reading practice) helped him “practice metacognitive reading” different texts.

  • I commented that I also learned a lot from Kilbourne’s lecture about advertisements and gender values that I had never thought of before watching it.

  • In Vivan’s week 3 reflection blog, she wrote about how she had developed each of the 8 categories of “habits of mind.” “Engagement” and “Metacognition” are the 2 parts that stood out the most to me. I have the exact same experience as her.

  • I commented that there are lots of similarities between our reflections, especially “metacognition,” “engagement” and responsibility toward our learning.

  • In Yajaira‘s week 2 reflection post, she made a point emphasizing how annotating helped her “improve written literacy, digital literacy, and overall communication skills across several media.” Specifically, annotating Kilbourne’s lecture gave her a better understanding of the ideas stated in the lecture.

  • I commented that I also found the annotating was a helpful strategy for me as well, which allowed me to fight more insight about the ideas stated explicitly, and this is a more effective way of learning than annotating a text.

  • I read Zoe’s week 3 blog about “habits of mind.” I was really impressed by her comments on social media about gender inequality and objectification about the Tomford advertisement. She had made a great connection about applying the knowledge learned in classroom to the real world

  • I commented about her ability to connect and apply what she learned to the real life.

  • In Pan’s week 3 reflection blog on “habits on mind,” she talks about how doing the weekly assignments (such as, discussion posts and weekly blogs) helped her develop persistence and make connections among materials.

  • I commented that I also get used to the way this course works from the patterns of weekly assignments, which allows me to better reflect and compare as I proceed.

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