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Writer's pictureCuiwen Zhou

Podcast Production Part II: Pre-production Meeting Summary

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Hello, visitors! Welcome back!

This is the seventh week of the quarter. We will be working on the production of our podcast. At Monday (2/15) this week, our group had a pre-production meeting to plan out the project. Here is a summary of the meeting.


Roles and Responsibility

Per our discussion, our roles and responsibilities are distributed as follows:

Host and speakers: Jialin Mei

  • Lead the discussion by transiting among segments

  • Response to questions in segments 1 and 2

  • Research 3 images for the microsite

  • Content leader for segment 1

Script coordinator: Cuiwen Zhou

  • Respond to segments 1, 2, and 3

  • Coordinates questions/subtopics and theme

  • Arrange overall structures for the master script

  • Content leader for segment 2

Podcast director: Baiyu Wang

  • Respond in segments 1, 2, and 3

  • Direct podcast during recording

  • Timekeeper for assignment deadlines

  • Content leader for segment 3

Podcast editor & music researcher: Kexin Zhang

  • Respond in segments 2 and 3

  • Record and edit final audio

  • Research music for the podcast

Microsite editor & research for microsite images: Ruihan Wang

  • Respond in segment 1 and 2

  • Edit microsite: research for images

  • Assemble a full reference list for microsites


Technical Aspects

During the meeting, we decided to record our podcast altogether on Tuesday (2/16) 5 pm, when we normally met during the class zoom session. Everyone will be responsible for the duties assigned and help each other if there are any technical difficulties. The content of our microsite will be constructed largely according to our discussion; thus, the microsite editor and researchers will start assembling the microsite after the recording. Meanwhile, the podcast editor will be editing for the final audio.


Contents and Structure

The whole podcast will be approximately 20-25 minutes divided into three segments (segments do not include introduction and conclusion). Each segment will be less than or about 8 minutes. The host, Jialin Mei, will be the content leader for the first segment followed by the introduction. I will be the content leader for the 2nd segment, and Baiyu Wang will be the leader for the 3rd segment. As we discussed, the title of our podcast will be "Disney Films & Gender Social Norms." Our discussion will be focusing on the first part of the course question: How do Disney films contribute to the construction of society's values and norms about gender roles? Our subtopics include gender roles expressed by leading characters, Disney’s approaches to feminine and masculine values, and physical characteristics.


To-do's Before Recording

Since I am the script coordinator, I will provide a rough structure for the order of each topic to our group members. Because the podcast will be held in a discussion or panel style, each individual will prepare their own scripts or any kind of materials to participate in the conversation. Before the recording, I will arrange each members’ speaking roles in different segments and distribute a rough time approximation. In addition, I will also prepare my materials for my part. For instance, I will have all my supporting examples and evidence ready for reference during the conversation.

Stay tuned for our final podcast at the end of the week!

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