Hello, visitors! This week's weekly reflection blog would be a recap of how I developed the "habits of mind" in this three weeks Writing 39A.
Curiosity – the desire to know more about the world
As I annotate and analyze films and readings, I find myself getting eager to dig deeper. When I compare my writings in week 1 and week 3, I notice that the ones in week 3 are more detailed and insightful while the ones in week 1 are more superficial.
Openness – the willingness to consider new ways of being and thinking in the world
When I read my classmate’s exploratory drafts, I often notice that they have very creative ideas that I had never thought of. It is a very enjoyful process to learn by absorbing different ideas.
Engagement – a sense of investment and involvement in learning
When we do peer reviews, commenting on each other’s draft makes it more involved in what we are learning. It motivates me to invest more into my writings.
Creativity – the ability to use novel approaches for generating, investigating, and representing ideas
For each week’s blog and discussion post, we display our thoughts in words.
Persistence – the ability to sustain interest in and attention to short- and long-term projects
Although we have not done any short-term projects in this class, the upcoming podcast project will surely be a great opportunity to develop this habit. Yet, this blog I am writing right now is part of the final portfolio. It helps me develop the habit of building up a big project by doing small parts each time.
Flexibility – the ability to adapt to situations, expectations, or demands
We work on different types of assignments in Writing 39A. So far, we have done annotations in videos, annotations in readings, blog writings, exploratory drafts, etc.
Responsibility – the ability to take ownership of one’s actions and understand the consequences of those actions for oneself and others
In terms of learning, I understand that every tiny step that I have taken leads to larger achievements. In terms of writing, I don’t think I can “take ownership” of my writings very well at this point.
Metacognition (reflection) – the ability to reflect on one’s own thinking as well as on the individual and cultural processes used to structure knowledge
For every weekly blog, it is an opportunity for me to reflect on my learning. They give me a better understanding of what should be improved and what I am doing great.
Hi Cuiwen! I really like how you give each definition of the word and then decided to elaborate on how each habit is used in class. I agree with what you have to say about metacognition because reflecting on my work each week is something that helps me to open my eyes to what I need to work on.
Hi Cuiwen:
I agree with you on your ideas about "Metacognition". Confucius once said:" Review from the past and you can learn something new." Reflecting on what we have learned is definitely helpful for our future learning.
I like your design of this blog! It's really straight-forward and clear. Also, you explained every habits before you wrote things down, that's nice.
I appreciate your point about responsibility. No matter how simple an assignment we do right now, we should take it seriously because it may build a foundation for our future project and we should be responsible for all of our assignments.
Hi Cuiwen!
I really agree with your opinion about the "openness" part. When I reading our classmates' blogs, I can always find new ideas that I have never thought of before.